
3d goldfish painting on resin layers
3d goldfish painting on resin layers

3d goldfish painting on resin layers

Started creating 3D images of goldfish by using acrylic and resin and painting one layer at a time, the end result is a fusion of hundreds of 2-dimensional The goldfish, writes Fukahori, was my salvation.Not clear how goldfish painting, this 3d art, was born, we credit Japanese artist Riusuke Fukahori ​( The Master ) He was the creator, But in an instantaneous form of enlightenment he knew that all along it was right there in his room, inside that dirty fish tank. Fukahori had looked far and wide – in Europe, the U.S. The artist pulled out his paint and set to work, immediately triggering some sort of chemical reaction in his brain. What he suddenly saw was a beautiful animal, glowing in bright red, living and surviving. His neglected fish of 7 years sputtered about in a cesspool of mold and feces – a common fate endured by most festival souvenirs.įukahori felt a shiver run down his spine. As he painfully lay in his room one night, struggling and suffering, about to give up on his art, he looked over and saw a goldfish.

3d goldfish painting on resin layers

Kingyo-sukui is the game of “goldfish scooping” and is a staple of any summer street festival, along with the masks, water balloon yo-yos, fireworks and yummy food.īut for artist Riusuke Fukahori, the goldfish was not just a relic of long-lost childhood. The goldfish holds a very special place in the heart of any child who’s ever been to a matsuri (street festival) in Japan. If you want to learn more about the artist, this is what we wrote when we covered his work last year: Instead, the creations emerge and come to life from an incredibly meticulous process of layer after layer of paint, each separated – and held in place – by a single thin layer of resin. The 40-year old Yokohama-based artist will be making his debut solo exhibition in New York alongside his single obsession: goldfish.įukahori’s goldfish are not real, but can easily be mistaken for a living animal. Finishing off our top picks of Japanese artists showing in New York this fall is Riusuke Fukahori.

3d goldfish painting on resin layers