
How does flat footed affect cmd pathfinder
How does flat footed affect cmd pathfinder

how does flat footed affect cmd pathfinder

They can wear armor, carry shields, and their judgment ability can provide them a sacred/profane bonus to their AC. Inquisitors, like alchemists, can do a little bit of everything. Some variants gain more than others ( cough Ragechemist cough), but the combination of natural armor with an increased dexterity score can make a lot of difference when it comes time to start smashing. While they aren't known for their huge armor classes, alchemists do gain natural armor from drinking their mutagens.

how does flat footed affect cmd pathfinder

At mid levels that can be one hell of a bonus.Īt least one of them has been here. For a single point from the character's arcane pool the magus can gain a shield bonus equal to his intelligence modifier for a round. When mixing it up it's important to think about the spell shield arcana. The magus is a favorite for those who want magic and melee in equal measure. It isn't much, but it does qualify for the list. This provides minor dodge bonuses as well as natural armor beginning at 7th level and adding every three levels past that. While one of the less-played barbarian variants, the savage barbarian (found in the Advanced Players Guide) foregoes armor in favor of natural toughness.

How does flat footed affect cmd pathfinder